Saturday, 24 December 2011

The world's least useful phonetic alphabet

Welcome to Random Access Blogging. As a warning in advance, this blog isn't about anything. I'll post things as they occur to me and its sole purpose in life is to amuse me. If it amuses you too, that can't be helped.

As a first post I offer a community service: the world's least useful phonetic alphabet. I got the idea for this while dealing with a call centre dude on the phone. His lack of helpfulness really ticked me off, so when he asked me (for the fourth time) to spell something out, I decided that 'M for mnemonic' was a good place to start - that kept us busy for a while...

Usually there's a silent first letter, but where there isn't, a little creativity is required to make something truly confusing. Homonyms are our friend in this endeavour.

If you have a better idea, let's hear it. I'm not entirely happy with V, but it at least has the merit of being a word that no-one has heard of and which sounds a bit like 'resemblance' .

A - Aisle
B - Bdemium
C - Czar
D - Django
E  - Eff
F - For
G - Gnome
H - Honour
I - Isle
J - Jarlsberg
K - Knight
L - Left
M - Mnemonic
N - Night
O - Ouija board
P - Pterodactyl
Q - Queue
R - Rite
S - Say again
T - Tsar
U - Umm
V - Vraisemblance
W - Wright
X - Xenophobe
Y - You
Z - Zsa Zsa